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Holy F*ck and Sacred Water: The Secret Connections to Everything is bold, cocky, and politically and socially incorrect. It is downloaded from the Akashic Records and imprinted with sacred codes. Are you ready to say “F*ck YES!”and free yourself? Or do you choose to stay in the f*cked up Matrix? This book is not for the common man or woman. It is for a new generation of courageous, curious and passionate Beings who know they came to Earth to make a difference and are ready to stand in their truth and take action. Now.
A new era is here, and with that, more confusion and fear than ever before. This book reactivates a path of releasing the old so we can co-create a new, thriving future together. It contains very raw and vulnerable private stories, scientific information, ancient wisdom, taboo topics, and “conspiracy” theories. Holy F*ck and Sacred Water aids the process to purify your own sacred water and ignites your passionate inner fire. It reactivates your true potential and a higher state of consciousness.
Holy F*ck and Sacred Water is a theory of Everything. Life is a multidimensional journey to master empowerment, freedom, and flow in our everyday lives. We master these when we unite our inner spark with sacred water. This then creates the magical life force within us – or what we call it, “The Holy F*ck.”
To read more about Holy F*ck and Sacred Water please click the button below.