TeraHertz Science Articles and Videos

Advances of terahertz technology in neuroscience: Current status and a future perspective
SUMMARY Terahertz (THz) waves are ranged between microwave and infrared region in the electromagnetic spectrum. THz technology has been demonstrated promising potential for biomedical applications. Exploration of biological effects of THz waves has emerged as a critical new area in life sciences. It is critical to uncover the effects of THz waves on complex biological systems in order to lay out the framework for THz technology development and future applications. Specifically, THz radiation has been shown to affect the nervous system, including the structure of nerve cell membranes, genes expressions, and cytokines level. In this review, we primarily discuss the biological impacts and mechanisms of THz waves on the nervous system at the organisms, cellular, and molecular levels. The future application perspectives of THz technologies in neuroscience are also highlighted and proposed.

A Review of Feasible Applications of THz Waves in Medical Diagnostics and Treatments
Introduction: Terahertz (THz) waves with frequencies in the range of 0.1 to 10 THz are electromagnetic radiation with growing applications in various fields of science and technology. Attractive features of this radiation have brought out many novel possibilities for medical diagnostics and treatments with considerable advantages compared to other conventional methods.
Results: This review has emphasized the capabilities of THz waves as a novel tool for future clinical diagnostics and treatments.
Conclusion: The paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the feasible potential application of THz waves for clinical purposes and its advantages in comparison with other conventional tools.

Cellular effects of terahertz waves
Significance: An increasing interest in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to the terahertz (THz) radiation is driven by a rapid progress in THz biophotonics, observed during the past decades. Despite the attractiveness of THz technology for medical diagnosis and therapy, there is still quite limited knowledge about safe limits of THz exposure. Different modes of THz exposure of tissues and cells, including continuous-wave versus pulsed radiation, various powers, and number and duration of exposure cycles, ought to be systematically studied.
Aim: We provide an overview of recent research results in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to THz waves.
Results: The summarized data demonstrate the current stage of the research activity and knowledge about the THz exposure on living objects.
Conclusions: This review helps the biomedical optics community to summarize up-to-date knowledge in the area of cell exposure to THz radiation, and paves the ways for the development of THz safety standards and THz therapeutic applications.

DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field
We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA.
We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism.
Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.

Terahertz radiation and the skin: a review
Significance: Terahertz (THz) radiation has demonstrated a great potential in biomedical applications over the past three decades, mainly due to its non-invasive and label-free nature. Among all biological specimens, skin tissue is an optimal sample for the application of THz-based methods because it allows for overcoming some intrinsic limitations of the technique, such as a small penetration depth (0.1 to 0.3 mm for the skin, on average).
Aim: We summarize the modern research results achieved when THz technology was applied to the skin, considering applications in both imaging/detection and treatment/modulation of the skin constituents.
Results: The reviewed results demonstrate the possibilities of THz spectroscopy and imaging, both pulsed and continuous, for diagnosis of skin melanoma and non-melanoma cancer, dysplasia, scars, and diabetic condition, mainly based on the analysis of THz optical properties.
The possibility of modulating cell activity and treatment of various diseases by THz-wave exposure is shown as well.
Conclusions: The rapid development of THz technologies and the obtained research results for skin tissue highlight the potential of THz waves as a research and therapeutic instrument.
The perspectives on the use of THz radiation are related to both non-invasive diagnostics and stimulation and control of different processes in a living skin tissue for regeneration and cancer treatment.

Terahertz pulse-altered gene networks in human induced pluripotent stem cells
Terahertz (THz) irradiation has been exploited in biomedical applications involving non-invasive manipulation of living cells. We developed an apparatus for studying the effects of THz pulse irradiation on living human induced pluripotent stem cells. The THz pulse of the maximum electric field reached 0.5 MV/cm and was applied for one hour with 1 kHz repetition to the entire cell–culture area, a diameter of 1 mm.
RNA sequencing of global gene-expression revealed that many THz-regulated genes were driven by zinc–finger transcription factors. Combined with a consideration of the interactions of metal ions and a THz electric field, these results imply that the local intracellular concentration of metal ions, such as Zn2C, was changed by the effective electrical force of our THz pulse.

DNA breathing dynamics in the presence of a terahertz field
We consider the influence of a terahertz field on the breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA.
We model the spontaneous formation of spatially localized openings of a damped and driven DNA chain, and find that linear instabilities lead to dynamic dimerization, while true local strand separations require a threshold amplitude mechanism.
Based on our results we argue that a specific terahertz radiation exposure may significantly affect the natural dynamics of DNA, and thereby influence intricate molecular processes involved in gene expression and DNA replication.

Terahertz exposure enhances neuronal synaptic transmission and oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro
Terahertz (THz) frequency occupies a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is between the infrared and microwave regions. Recent advances in THz application have stimulated interests regarding the biological effects within this frequency range.
In the current study, we report that irradiation with a single-frequency THz laser on mice cortical neuron cultures increases excitatory synaptic transmission and neuronal firing activities. Microarray assay reveals gene expression dynamics after THz exposure, which is consistent with morphology and electrophysiology results.
Besides, certain schedule of THz irradiation inhibits the proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) and promotes OPC differentiation. Of note, the myelination process is enhanced after THz exposure.
In summary, our observations suggest that THz irradiation can modulate the functions of different neuronal cells, with different sensitivity to THz. These results provide important understanding of the mechanisms that govern THz interactions with nervous systems and suggest THz wave as a new strategy for neuromodulation.

No DNA damage response and negligible genome-wide transcriptional changes in human embryonic stem cells exposed to terahertz radiation
Terahertz (THz) radiation was proposed recently for use in various applications, including medical imaging and security scanners. However, there are concerns regarding the possible biological effects of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation in the THz range on cells. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are extremely sensitive to environmental stimuli, and we therefore utilised this cell model to investigate the non-thermal effects of THz irradiation. We studied DNA damage and transcriptome responses in hESCs exposed to narrow-band THz radiation (2.3 THz) under strict temperature control. The transcription of approximately 1% of genes was subtly increased following THz irradiation. Functional annotation enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes revealed 15 functional classes, which were mostly related to mitochondria. Terahertz irradiation did not induce the formation of cH2AX foci or structural chromosomal aberrations in hESCs. We did not observe any effect on the mitotic index or morphology of the hESCs following THz exposure.
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Toxicity of Terahertz-Based Functional Mineral Water (Plant-Derived) to Immature Stages of Mosquito Vectors
In light of the shortcomings of using insecticides, there is an urgent need to explore alternative compounds that are effective for mosquito control with minimal adverse effects. The terahertz-based functional mineral water used in the current study exhibited concentration-dependent toxicity to mosquito larvae, pupae and larvivorous predatory copepods and could be a potential biodegradable and eco-friendly bioinsecticide.

Epigenetic modification of gene expression in cancer cells by terahertz demethylation
Terahertz (THz) radiation can affect the degree of DNA methylation, the spectral characteristics of which exist in the terahertz region. DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification in which a methyl (CH3) group is attached to cytosine, a nucleobase in human DNA. Appropriately controlled DNA methylation leads to proper regulation of gene expression. However, abnormal gene expression that departs from controlled genetic transcription through aberrant DNA methylation may occur in cancer or other diseases. In this study, we demonstrate the modification of gene expression in cells by THz demethylation using resonant THz radiation. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we observed changes in the degree of global DNA methylation in the SK-MEL-3 melanoma cell line under irradiation with 1.6-THz radiation with limited spectral bandwidth. Resonant THz radiation demethylated living melanoma cells by 19%, with no significant occurrence of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, and the demethylation ratio was linearly proportional to the power of THz radiation. THz demethylation downregulates FOS, JUN, and CXCL8 genes, which are involved in cancer and apoptosis pathways. Our results show that THz demethylation has the potential to be a gene expression modifier with promising applications in cancer treatment.
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Данное исследование проспективное, рандомизированное. Проведено обследование и лечение 65 па- циентов, разделенных на 2 группы, сопоставимые по возрасту, полу, степени и тяжести заболевания. Все пациенты получали базисную терапию, включающую лекарственные препараты и занятия ЛФК. Пациентам основной группы дополнительно к базисному лечению проводили курс терагерцевой тера- пии, используя установку «Эмир» с керамическим покрытием излучателя. Выявлено, что процедуры терагерцевой терапии хорошо переносятся больными, не вызывают обострения и сочетаются с другими методами лечения гонартроза. Повторно выполненные по окончанию курса лечения исследования пока- зали, что включение в лечебный комплекс терагерцевого излучения положительно влияет на основные клинические симптомы заболевания, уменьшая интенсивность болей в коленных суставах и улучшая их функциональное состояние, оказывая благоприятное воздействие на состояние локальной гемоди- намики.
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iTeraCare technical support
- How to distinguish between genuine and fake terahertz therapy devices?
- A patented product which is tested and proven for safety and effectiveness by number of national authoritative institutions.
62 Clinical test reports issued by Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Technology
And much more…

Peter Jepsen: Terahertz nanoscopy of thin film metals.
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is a powerful technique which can extract the optical and electrical properties of materials. The spatial resolution of this technique is, however, limited to a few hundred microns. This is due to the long wavelength of the THz radiation. Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) is a microscopy technique where light is scattered off a sharp oscillating tip onto a sample. The spatial resolution is limited only by the apex radius of the tip, thus combining THz-TDS with s-SNOM allows for the extraction of material properties at the nanoscale.
THz Therapy : Scientific Evidence of Efficacy and Central Nervous system by Dr Douglas Kong
THz Radiation Therapy : Scientific Evidence of Efficacy & Central Nervous System by Dr Douglas Kong
Dr Raafat, NeuroSurgeon neurologist share on the benefits of THz and alternative Health – Live Ep10
Scientific proof on THz Healing effect through Stem Cell Stimulation benefits -By Dr James Ong
Prife International iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Interview with Dr. James Ong and John Scevola
Take a Quantum Leap with iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Energy Technology. Learn how iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Energy Technology works, its bioenergetic benefits, and how to maximize Scalar Energy interaction to create a greater Quality of Life for yourself and others. Learn how to instantly access the Quantum “InnerNet,” the Mother of All Super Information Highways!
Dr Kong shares on the Science of THz natural healing. Retired doctor from Singapore Private hospital